The number and variety of my stalkers has grown over the years. Sometimes they are people I know and thought I was close to, sometimes they are just acquaintances, and sometimes I have absolutely no clue who they are. Sometimes they get downright scarey (yes, I have reported them) and sometimes they are just plain annoying.
Sometimes I may know of only one active stalker, while at other times, I may have several hovering over me all at once, which can really feel suffocating. I know that stalkers stalk their prey for a variety of reasons, and my group of stalkers is no different ....
they, too, have a variety of reasons for stalking me. But a little while back I finally decided to ask a couple of my more 'open' stalkers why they stalked me. The surprising answer from both was, "Your life is so interesting!"
Oh, my, that was a surprise! I hadn't expected that answer. I told a couple of close friends what these people had said and they actually agreed with them! My life ..... interesting ..... who would have thought? So, since people are often found following me around, trying to keep a view of my life, and others like to sit around with nothing better to do than spend hours exchanging gossip updates about me, I figured I would make things a little easier for all of them.
So what did I do? I set this Blog up, a place where I will post the happenings of my days, places I like to go, things I like to do, things I plan to do, events of my past, my thoughts and opinions on all sorts of subjects, and in short, everything imaginable about my life, present, past and future. Will it stop my stalkers? .... probably not. Will it slow my stalkers down? ..... although that would be great, not likely, and heaven help me if it increases them. Will it stop my gossip chains? .... I doubt that at all, but at least my personal, true versions of MY life will be publicly posted on here to dispel any and all false rumors. I tell ya, it seems I have a whole other identity out there that I knew nothing about, one that is far more interesting even than my real life.
I am considering making up business cards with this site address and passing them out to my known stalkers so they can follow along more easily and save themselves some gas. I know one in particular that must go through quite a bit of gas with all the trips he continually makes out here at all hours of the day and night. Amusing! What a sorry life the little leaches must have! *shakes head*
I especially hope that those of you that happen onto my blog, find much enjoyable reading as I post my stories about my daily life. Maybe some of you will even be able to relate to the predicament that was behind me starting this blog. If so, I would love to hear from you. And I would be more than happy to share some of your stories as well. Others of you may be able to relate to some of my postings, or just plain enjoy reading them. I look forward to your comments and discussions.
Stay tuned and please come back often!
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